LIT 140: The Alchemist

The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho


1st reading

» the lake into which Narcissus drowned weeps for him, for it was in the depths of his eyes that she sees her own beauty reflected

» intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into life’s universal currents, where histories & knowledges of all peoples are connected

» people need not dear fear the unknown so long as they are capable of achieving what they need & want

» when you cannot go back, you have only to worry about the best way of moving forward. the rest is up to Allah, including the danger.

» when it is not a battle of good & evil, but for the balance of power, it will last longer than others – because Allah is on both side

2nd reading

» one is loved because one is loved. no reason is needed for loving.


more good stuff:

Elastic Beanstalk


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  1. #1 by agarithia on June 18, 2008 - 8:12 pm

    I love this book!
    My favorite quote:

    one is loved because one is loved. no reason is needed for loving.

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