LIT 140: Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie
by Mitch Albom


» kissing…good-bye earn[s] you extra credit

» tension of opposites: life is a series of pulls back & forth. like a pull on a rubber band. which side wins? love wins. love always wins.

» the key to finding meaning in life is to stop taking out the garbage

» why are we embarrassed by silence? what comfort do we find in all the noise?

» you don’t need speech or hearing to feel [friendship]

» without love, we are birds with broken wings

» offering others what you have to give. …your time. your concern. your storytelling.

» one cannot be spared the grief of loss by grieving before loss

» in the beg of life… [&] the end of life, you need others to survive, right? but here’s the secret: in between, we need others as well.

» “I’m bargaining with Him up there now. I’m asking Him, ‘do I get to be one of the angels?'”

» have you ever really had a teacher? 1 who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, w/ wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine?

1 more inspired by the relevance of local events

» “death ends a life, not a relationship.” – Tuesdays with Morrie … adieu @AzBill

and the wisdom of another on the impending loss of my grandmother 

» one cannot be spared the grief of loss by grieving before loss


more good stuff:

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  1. #1 by Leverne on June 6, 2008 - 9:46 am

    Why are we embarrassed by silence?
    Silence makes us think. Sometime you don’t want to think, just do.
    What comfort do we find in all the noise? In the womb, a baby is surrounded by noise. We are developed to accept noise as the norm. While “white noise” is welcomed in an office setting or library.


  2. #2 by Temple Stark on June 6, 2008 - 3:54 pm

    » why are we embarrassed by silence? what comfort do we find in all the noise?

    As I am not embarrassed by silence (journalism and waiting it out with people who don’t like silence helps) I was drawn to the second question. I still welcome the comfort in noise but I believe it’s often to drown out other noise; noise that I want to deal with but NOT now.

    And I’m finding the attempt to drown noise instead usually creates loud floundering splashes.

    >» one cannot be spared the grief of loss by grieving before loss

    I’ve often wondered about this, I have a parent left (who is in fine health). I’ve come to the conclusion that grief preemption does not spare anything, instead it unnecessarily extends the grief and misery for all involved.

    – Temple

  3. #3 by Andrew Shotland on June 19, 2008 - 10:01 pm

    I like the idea that kissing goodbye can earn you extra credit but then again I wonder why people need extra credit?

  4. #4 by Steven Shaffer on September 15, 2008 - 9:11 am

    “» why are we embarrassed by silence? what comfort do we find in all the noise?”

    We are embarrassed by silence because silence is raw. Silence exposes…

    Unlike many I purposefully resist the pull of silence to speak or make a sound. I want the raw, it helps me to get closer to me, and consequently you.

    Do you feel it?

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